Dispensary Credit Card Processing

Accept all credit card types with marijuana credit card processing.

Take more than just cash and debit cards for your dispensary credit card processing.  With Purple Pineapple, you can now accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express.

Finally, you can have a safe and secure way of selling Cannabis.  Other credit card processors say no to dispensaries, but we have unique solutions for marijuana merchant accounts to accept credit cards for marijuana payment.

Wherever You do Business, We do too!

Cannabis Credit Card Processing for Dispensary

At Your Dispensary

Customers can purchase cannabis face to face at your point of sale

Cannabis Credit Card Payments on the Road

On The Road

Accept payments at your customers door or curbside at your dispensary.

Cannabis Credit Card Payments on any device

Virtually On Your Device

Access the payment portal from your phone, tablet, or computer

Cannabis Credit Card Processing Enterprise

Cater To All

Large enterprise, multi-location dispensaries to local start up wellness centers.

Cannabis Credit Card Payments Dispensary

Improve Customer Experience

Instead of complex payment systems and bulky processes, your customers will experience the sale just like buying a latte from their local coffee shop. Patrons pull out their card, swipe or insert their card and collect their receipt like a purchase they make at any other business. Our proprietary POS system and virtual terminal makes each transaction easy and allows for social distancing, curbside pick-up, and delivery


Benefits of Accepting Credit Cards at your Dispensary

  • Easy and quick approval process for marijuana payment services.
  • Accept major credit and debit cards for your dispensary.
  • Increase sales 25%-30% by offering additional payment options to purchase cannabis from your dispensary.
  • No up-front equipment costs or set up fees for marijuana payment services.
  • Domestic based payment solution available for US and Canadian Dispensaries.
  • Process cannabis payments anywhere with internet or Wi-Fi access.
  • Utilize your mobile device for your curbside and delivery services.
poynt terminal

Let us be your guide in an ever-changing competitive field.

We have you covered.

Cannabis Credit Card Payments Transaction history

Manage Payments and Transaction History

  • Detailed and accurate reporting across all payment types.
  • Electronic invoicing.
  • Create a customer database within our secure payment gateway.
  • Easily manage payment transaction remotely and securely.
  • 24/7 customer support via phone, email, live chat, and text. Our staff is here to answer all your cannabis related payment questions.

No Cryptocurrency or Gift Card Work-arounds

Every other solution on the market uses gift cards or cryptocurrency to work around the laws and systems put in place to protect both you and your customer. This solution is a merchant account built for dispensaries.

Credit card terminal with debit card swiping through cannabis leaves in background

Why not give your business a financial technology makeover!

Cannabis Credit Card Processing prevents cash on hand

Lowers Theft


When there’s hardly any cash being taken for purchases, there’s much less risk of theft because the score isn’t big enough. Dramatically reduce your theft risk by enabling credit card payments in your dispensary.

Money is FDIC Insured

Money is held in U.S. Bank Accounts.  Just because you operate a cannabis friendly dispensary doesn’t mean that you must process credit cards overseas. With our solution, you can process payments and keep your money in US Banks. This gives you peace of mind with all your transactions.

your cannabis bank account your money
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